It doesn’t matter whether you actually identify with being a prepper and the emergency preparedness lifestyle, or whether you are simply someone who wants to be better prepared for an uncertain future. The fact remains — if you are going to responsibly stock-up and stockpile goods, you want to be sure that you are buying and storing the right things…
To help you compile your own list of items to be better prepared, I have created this round-up post. This post features 5 expert preppers with large followings on YouTube. Each of these expert preppers shares their list of must-buy items to stockpile. There is obviously a lot of overlap between experts, but this only goes to confirm the value and importance of those specific items.
To be clear, I am not advocating that you should rush out and panic buy and stockpile all of these goods in one go, as this is the behaviour that leads to food shortages at the store, which then leads to further panic buying by others. Panic buying becomes viral – when people see shortages they panic buy themselves in response. Personally, I think it is more considerate and responsible to steadily stock up over a number of weeks. An additional thing you can do is to spread your purchases over different retailers. We spread our shopping between small local stores, supermarkets and Amazon and eBay etc.
***Personally — right now we are stocking up a little each week, mostly on non-perishable foods (tinned and dry foods like tinned tomatoes and lots of different tinned beans, wholewheat flour, dried yeast, wholewheat pasta, brown rice and lots of tinned fish), frozen foods (mostly vegetables and some meat), pet food, pain/temperature meds, soap, bleach/disinfectants, hand sanitizer and toilet roll. Oh yeah, and coffee! Lots of coffee!
Check out the videos below for each expert’s list of items to consider stocking up, together with their thoughts and opinions on what and why you should consider stocking up and hoarding these items.
Table of Contents
Toggle15 Items Every Prepper Should Horde for SHTF
Sensible Prepper – 600k+ subscribers to their YouTube channel
25 Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile / Hoard
DropForgedSurvival – almost 300k subscribers to their YouTube channel
13 Items to Hoard Before Societal Collapse
Canadian Prepper – almost 400k subscribers to their YouTube channel
18 Inexpensive Items You Should Stockpile Now
Iridium242 – almost 70k subscribers to their YouTube channel
Top TEN Cheap Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile or Hoard
Prepper University – almost 50k subscribers to their YouTube channel