Last week I did a post on our Facebook page. I asked –
If You Could Give One Bit Of Prepping Advice To Someone Just Getting Into Prepping, What Would It Be?
Here’s the prepping advice I got back from around 50 experienced preppers… (In no order what so ever…). I copied their replies directly below. I am sure there are a few spelling and grammar issues, so please forgive those.
Grow your own, stow your own.
Just do something to be better prepared
My prepping advice – start off focusing on knowledge, rather than buying food and gear etc. Read as much as you can first!
Don’t listen to every IDIOT out there……Unless they are trained for the situation you’re prepping for…..
Lots of great books out there that’s true many free on kindle…which you don’t need a Kindle for.
Even a little bit is better than nothing. And don’t think you have to invest in some overpriced bunch of nonsense Glenn Beck is pushing. Just buy what you can afford, when you can afford it, and do a little bit all the time, using from the older stuff as you bring in the new. That way your supplies stay fresh, and you find out what you do or don’t like. And LISTEN to the old folks. They can teach you skills that have been forgotten, like how to can, or how to stretch a meal using the stuff you keep in the pantry you might have overlooked.
My prepping advice is to stockpile in a well-rounded way. Don’t focus on one thing, and neglect another area. You don’t want to be living on just rice and beans and water. Variety is the spice of life (and there are other areas that need attention other than just eating)
Books are important. Save them. If possible get two copies of good books. Maintain a library in two places. They can help kill boredom during downtime and spread knowledge. Don’t barter books unless you have no choice
Equipment without the knowledge of its practical application is about as useless as a milk bucket under a bull (e.g. medical supplies without any medical training). Educate yourself or surround yourself with those who already possess specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities!
Also, do it in a balanced way so if you do need to use you have some of all
Gas in your vehicle and extra for future use…you may have to flee. And Grizzley bear spray for the zombies….save the ammo for hunting.
I would say learn as much as you can first then, take in to account what type of space you have to store the basic things you’re going to need. Talk to friend, family etc. Think about where you can go to bug out if need be and make a plan. Store food, water, meds, first aid and tools you may need to build up slowly if you can’t afford to do it all at once.
Prepping advice no#1 don’t go into debt
Also, get all forms of important paperwork together and know exactly where they are.
Prepping advice — research, research, research. Not everything you learn will work for you. Plans can be adjusted. Be smart about what you do.
Eat what you store, store what you eat. Apply that principle to the rest… if you camp regularly your preps will also be passed of your life in a fun way. Don’t forget to live now while preparing for the zombies. Most disasters are not the end of the world, they just feel that way.
Study all you want, but practice what you think will work for you and your family.
My prepping advice – do you even know what you are prepping for?
Learn as much as you can and take from it what works for your practice with your guns learn to keep them clean make a plan
Spam and ammo, in that order!
Don’t overlook discount dollar stores. You can get great deals on first aid items. Canning food is great but dehydrating some foods saves on weight.
Psalm 91 people. Live by it. Quit being afraid.
Be aware of the re-purposing of everyday things…recycling to new use can be your best friend
Think mobile and become spiritually sound, not religiously fanatical.
Store things that you actually like to eat and keep them in rotation. Learn to make fire without matches. Know your native plants and forage. Keep chickens and grow your food.
Every one of these is good. I’ll second starting with reading and learning. Stockpile knowledge! It’s easy to carry! Having weapons and medical gear with no idea how to use any of it is foolish. Fill your head first, then your larder. The flip of that is don’t delay, start doing things as soon as you learn some aspect well enough to feel comfortable that you’re making the right decisions for your situation.
Practice doing the things that you learn so that you will be comfortable and sure of yourself when the time comes.
Don’t give up, it’s always overwhelming in the beginning
Vicki and Cheri: You can get your hubbies on board by just citing the examples of what has already happened with hurricanes and storms and prepare for the threat most dominant in the area that you live – prep for that and then expand as time and finances allow. Everyone should have something in place for long power outages.
I live by this – make what you can, Trade for what you can’t, Then Buy if you have to.
A good well rounded survival book, not a web site or digital book. Go camping even if it’s just in the back yard. learn how to do the things in the book. be ready to live without utilities. I see way too many people with thousands of rounds of ammo but no water/filter system, or a freezer full of game but no generator. Start out prepping for a natural disaster, when you’re ready for a week with no utilities then expand.
My prepping advice would be to start by making a plan with a safe location to meet if a disaster occurs. Then make sure your family knows it.
Start camping as your most important hobby and you will be ready and so much more aware of what you will need first and foremost. You learn what really isn’t important and what you need every day.
Start small with survival basics like a BOB and buy extra canned goods and water. Don’t try to do it all in a day. Plan.
Grow a garden & can what you grow. Then store it properly for the long term.
Prepping advice… One step at a time. Read good manuals and practice one skill per week.
Learn to do without. Then, learn to do w/as little as possible. Try & assign @ least 3 uses to everything around you, & learn the Laws of 3. 3 mins w/out air- 3hrs w/out shelter- 3days w/out water- 3weeks w/out food. 3 drops o’ bleach per gallon of water. 3 gallons o’ water per day in extreme heat, 3,000 calories per day, if working/runnin’ a full, 8hr+ day. But- NEVER eat unless you have water. Rest comfortably whenever possible. Don’t travel in wet/foul/cold weather unless necessary. Be in the moment. Don’t panic, & alleviate the worry by planning & doing. Don’t take stupid chances. Oh, & learn, learn, learn- by doing.
Start with camping gear.
Start out small. Turn the power off at the breaker and shut the gas valve off and see how you cook the meal tonight. Next, turn the power off overnight. How are you going to wake up for work tomorrow? How are you going to walk thru your house at night? With no lights? NEVER let your car get below 3/4 of a tank, and buy a bike.
Cherie and Vicki, information your husbands into it. There are “to the point” shows that show how people act in emergencies. Show them the evidence of the past, as to earthly events. There’s the Carrington Event, volcano events, earthquakes events, etc. Tell them that you need them to man up and take care of you. Tell them you need to know they are ready to protect and defend you and what you have. If they won’t listen to that and act, I don’t know what you have.
Get your emergency fund ready…then store what you eat…est what you store. Garden…dehydrate/can.
Get a dehydrator & dehydrate everything you can & store it properly for long term storage. A very good site to go to is preparedness pro on youtube & Facebook.
First, buy a book on emergency preparedness, then consider your family’s taste in things and then start building your supplies. Remember the mundane like toilet paper, etc. A friend suggested sturdy shoes in the event we have to walk distances to get things. Lots to learn but it’s all fun.
Carefully look for others of a like mind. Don’t reinvent the wheel, join a group like this and learn from others.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. You may have to start small. That’s okay. Just start. While you’re slowly gathering supplies, go ahead and put your library of knowledge together. There are lots of resources. I find joining a group and learning from others to be most helpful (and usually free).
Being a truck driver we have always prepared for the what if’s of the road with things like water, food that doesn’t have to be heated, first aid kit, extra clothes, extra blankets, no less than 1/2 a tank of fuel(truck holds 300 gallons), extra shoes,…
Study before you spend!